Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Our Story, Your Story... Always share it.

On Monday, First 5 shared this graphic, and it made me remember that I started this blog to share my story.

Our story.

When I first saw the Tweet come across my phone I also had the song "My Story" by Big Daddy Weave come to mind. I LOOOOOOVE this song! Every time it comes on I blast the heck out of it because it is totally how I feel about my story!!


Yet I didn't sit here to share it all again. Then, in true God fashion, he hit me with sharing it again today when I went to Twitter and saw Andrea Logan White's Tweet (LOVE her and her husband, David, BTW and what they are doing with PureFlix & getting God's message out there! If you don't follow them... do so... now! I'll wait!) (on Twitter

It's been such a long time since I have shared my story. I would love to share it with you today.
 I pray you see God's hand at work through it all.

Click on the links below to read the posts in order. :)

And even though Our Story is of God's redemption I don't want to ever reject someone for their story although it happens... even inside the church. Please guard yourself to not do the same.

Click here to read when it happened to us.

But remember what Andrea White shared... "Don't be ashamed of your story!!" She's right... "it WILL inspire others!" No matter what! Even when they don't realize it right away.

So, I challenge you... share your story! Don't hold back. There is nothing to be ashamed of! And if you do will you please come back and tell you that you did? I would love to share in your story with you!


BARBIE said...

Thank you for sharing your story of God's redemption in your marriage. We serve and a powerful God. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

Bev said...

You know when I read your story.... I see Christ in you. It took me a long time to know what a Christian really dead to self. To forgive and stay shows a person who has died and letting Christ live through her.. I know every story is different...but I see so many marriages fall apart because of 'ME'...without seeking what Christ is wanting them to do!