Thursday, August 3, 2017

Meal Planning... What do you do?

So, let's be honest summer is drawing closer and closer to the finish line. Life is about to beckon more of a schedule and plan as activities and school hit full swing.

I don't know if you are like me but if I don't have a meal plan written out meals don't get made or there is a very little change that takes place. Meals then are boring and I hear a lot of "ugh not that again." All that changed when I found Plan to Eat.

Have you heard of them?

Oh, let me share!

I'd love to hear your thoughts!

I have tried so many methods of meal planning over the years. You know the trusty 'ole spiral notebook, free printable calendars, phone, etc and nothing worked because I always got stuck with taking the meal titles and transferring over to a grocery list. That part has always been so daunting to me. Looking at a pile of recipes and individual ingredients makes me twitch. 

Plan to Eat took that away for me! 

I love the idea of sites like eMeals but I have picky eaters in my house and I struggled with coming to terms with paying for a service that may include meals that a.) my budget can't afford and b.) meals my family wouldn't want to eat. 

With Plan to Eat every recipe I add, from ANY website through their add to PTE toolbar button, I know they are meals that sound appealing to my family. I know that I am planning meals that may be hits or not but at least I picked them. 

I love that I can pin a recipe on Pinterest and go to the site holding the beloved meal I'd love to try, click Plan to Eat's add button from my toolbar and this wonderful and they... THEY... import that recipe FOR ME into MY recipe box within my Plan to Eat account. Then the next time I go to meal plan that recipe is already ready and waiting for me to move it over into my meal plan calendar.

As you can see here below that the new recipe I have added now appears on my sidebar under "recently added." All I have to do now is drag and drop into my calendar!


I love how they color code it per meal section as well as allowing me to add extra ingredients or notes wherever I'd like. 

Now, if that wasn't enough to make you giddy let me share with you this gem that has seriously changed my life! 

Notice those 3 tabs up on the top of the last picture that say... cook, plan, shop... ? Well, that cook tab is where all your recipes are held. You can edit them from either screen, the cook or plan. You can give each recipe keywords in order to sort your recipes as you desire as well. That shop button though is my favorite! 

Once I have placed my meals, ingredients, etc into my calendar Plan to Eat instantly creates the shopping list for me!! 

That's right! 

Plan to Eat takes everything the recipe has stored and generates a shopping list for you. All you have to do is move what meals you want where and go to shop and print your list! You do have the option of setting up stores and only printing based on store or department. Yes, they even separate it by the department. 

Does anyone else hear the angels singing!? 

People let me tell you what... that was it... I was sold. Someone who did the frustrating part for me. Sign me up! All that is left me to do before getting online to grocery shop or go to the store was to simply go down the pre-generated list and click the boxes of what I don't need. Soooooo much easier than going through each recipe to see every ingredient and make a list that way. 

Another glorious feature is that they code every.single.recipe.listed and you can print their code. I LOVE this because there may come a time that I can't find 3 ingredients for a certain meal but if they weren't coded I may not remember they all went to the same meal. I can here though. Each ingredient is represented by a letter(s) and I can then look at the recipe key to see what meal it is for. I then can decide if I want to just scratch that entire meal or not. 

As you are walking the aisle, add the price next to each item, if you'd printed your list, and now you have a price list you can work off of when you are planning next! 

I am telling you Plan to Eat has utterly changed our lives. There was a time we weren't sure we could afford to renew our membership and we went a couple months without Plan to Eat. I promise that did not last long. We will always have a Plan to Eat membership because it has literally taken the stress out of meal planning and planning to shop for me. 

I promise this amazing system will change your life too! 

Want to try it for yourself? Plan to Eat offers a 30-day free trial and after your 30 days if you absolutely love it you can buy a yearlong membership for... are you ready for it?



I spend $39+ just by going to the grocery store without a list, or a list that is horribly organized! $39 for 365 at my fingertips easy meal planning and grocery list generation. Yes, please! 

I'd love to hear how you meal plan or if you try Plan to Eat out.  This system has seriously changed our lives! 

Simple Meal Planning - Plan to Eat

There are affiliate links included in this post but I was not given anything in exchange for this review. I just wanted to share what we have found and has worked incredibly well for our family. 


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