Thursday, July 27, 2017

You will sway and bend but you won't break

What do you see when you look at this picture? Probably nothing special right? You may even be asking why is she posting something so random? Well, last night I was on my way to go pick up my daughter from youth and singing along to a song when our nightly train rolls by. I've always loved trains and last night I caught myself staring at the tracks. I was watching one part just off to the side of the concrete as it swayed up and down as each set of wheels rolled over it. As I was watching it seemingly sway and bounce up and down God whispered this sweet symbolism to me.

"You are like this railroad track. It bends and bows; it is swaying to the movement and the weight of each car that rolls over it. It is bending as the weight "of the world" is speeding over the top of it. Seemingly that piece of track doesn't know when the weight of the world will hit it next but it moves with it when it does. It doesn't break. It doesn't snap. It is solid just like we are when we are firm in Christ. The weight of the world right now will not break you. It feels heavy and it'll bend you, but you will sway and bounce with it as the world is rushing over you but that is okay, you are solid in me and soon the train will pass."

I was utterly giddy after that. The light turned green and down the road I went in complete awe of what I just heard. I can promise I will never look at a stretch of railroad tracks the same way again.

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