Sunday, October 9, 2016

Some Encouragement

This week in parenting has been flat out hard. Like run to the dark, sit in the corner, I give up and don't want to do this anymore kind of hard.

My strong-willed son and I have had our moments all week. Whether it's been about his school work, getting along with his brother, simple tasks or chores to do without slowly moving so a sibling takes care of the task... It's been argued you about, and I have been less than parent of the year in my responses.

Today though was especially not pretty.  Right before we are to head out the door to church no less.

After a major blow up that reverberated back to my husband and I fighting over disciplining this child and my own stubbornness kicking in to stay home since I was not about to leave this boy home alone and him storming out to church with the other two. I remembered I had seen the title of this article on a friend's Facebook page and decided I'd go read it.

One I should've read right then and there when I had seen the article come across my news feed. But in true... "I've got this handled, I'll read it later." I didn't read it then. This morning I did though through tear stained eyes and a sleeping sweet boy in my lap who had cried himself to sleep after our apologies and prayer with each other. I sat reading this and staring at his sweet face. Man, all I want to do is harvest what God has in store for him. He is going to be a world shaker. Flat out. Parenting him is so different than my other two.

This article hits home. In more ways than I even know how to explain. If I'm truly honest in more ways than I wish I had to admit and then some.

I have to share the article.

Not just for you. This is for me to have a spot to come back and to read over and over myself, but I pray that if you are like me and struggle with how to parent your strong willed child in the path of the Lord. To harness how God created them for good and not tearing people down then please I pray you read this article as well.

Not later... but now.

You'll be glad you did because I sure wish I had when I first saw it come through. Then maybe just maybe this morning would have happened completely different.

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