Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Divine Intervention or Interruption?

Are you in a time in your life where you don't feel like you are doing what "you are meant to be doing?" Do you dislike what you are doing so much that you are chomping at the bit to say "peace out. Now onto my desires/dreams?" Do you feel like you were asked by God to start doing something and you just want to run away, do something else or hide?

I'm going to challenge you to stop and ask yourself... why do you feel those things?

Did it dawn on you that maybe these callings are God's way of stopping self ambitions because His calling for your life is far bigger and more for His Kingdom than you could imagine?

God has brought up Jonah's story to my life for a number of reasons lately. Very early in the study he is bringing in big key phrases. Ones that make you really remember the awesome "I get to..." moments in life. You know the ones that you get to sit back and smile because as Christians we have the esteem honor to "get to" do x, y, and z. Granted sometimes those moments don't feel like such great "get to's" until you sit back and remember to look at those moments through Christ's eyes and not the world's.

"Divine Intervention or Interruption"

Those two words are the key words posed in this study. How do you view the moments God is calling you to? Do you see staying at home when you don't want to be a interruption or a divine intervention? Do you staying put when you want to go, or moving when you want to stay a interruption to your plan or a divine interruption? Do you see staying in one job when you have a bigger job you want to be doing a interruption or a divine intervention?

Jonah had his reasons for not wanting to do what he was called to do but even after God rocked his world he did it yet he was still vengeful to see "get what's coming to them." Or maybe for modern day terms... He still wanted to see his desires on the whole matter come to pass.

Do we regretfully do what we have been called to do and yet still sit back after and hope "our plans" for it all still come to be? Are we sure that they are supposed to still happen? Are we sure that we aren't supposed to seek a different path after all because God wants to use us to serve others and not ourselves? To shift someone else's life in a Kingdom minded way that he also uses to rock our world in glorious ways only he knows.

Maybe just maybe if we stopped to realize that these callings are for God's good and glory, that they are divine interventions and no where near interruptions, then we could really take ourselves out of the equation in a "my desires first" kind of world and see the beautiful shift in someone else's world God used us in.

Is there something in your life you are running from like Jonah did? Do we need to stop and ask ourselves, "God called me into this moment to help change x, y, or z for His Kingdom. That's such an honor! Is my heart in the right place or do I need to shift my focus off of me and back onto him, and have an open heart for what he's shaping me for in the process as well?"

Not only will your obedience shift someone else's world for God's glory but He has plans of using it to shape you too!

1 comment:

Bev said...

Great 'devotional'....so interesting...We are waiting for a grandson to decide if he wants to live with us this year .... we KNOW its a Divine Intervention if he does....but in the natural... you can see it as an interruption... if you think of it pray that God's will is done...we want what is best for him!