Thursday, June 23, 2016

My God is SO big!

"My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty. There is nothing my God can not do, for you!"

These words danced across my YouVersion Bible plan this morning and the first thing my mind went to is an adorable clip of the Skit Guys with this song. Oh the laughter and love with my kids watching that one! My daughter has seen them in person the last couple years and it's one of her all time favorite clips!! It's funny yet so soul punching!

But as I was thinking on that God whispered... "But I AM exactly those things. I WILL make your situation for my glory. I already have started!"

And then I was reminded of something my husband shared with me that he heard yesterday as 2 co-workers walked into his branch. They were talking about the person who put us in the situation we are currently in and both were saying the same thing my husband and I have been praying for for months! That this new situation this person finds himself about to walk into will be his wake up call just like a "on our face" moment was for us 9 years ago.

My husband was beaming when he told me that. Not that we are happy other people see the wrong that's been done on many sides by this person, but they see a struggle this person apparently is trying to compensate for and has not made many friends along the way. They too hope and pray for a change in this person. A change that is eternal and life changing. I know from experience a lot of pain has to come first and that makes me sad to think about because no one wants to see pain and struggle like that, but oh the beauty on the other side that awaits them if they make it through.

That revelation. That change. That awakening. 

I pray the words "I forgive you..." that were spoken to this person will sink in, and their initial brush off will hit them with the reality and weight those words carry. That not only do they realize the truth my husband spoke to them in those 3 little words, but that God forgives him too. Those words, if he really thinks back to them being spoken and the look in the eyes of the one(s) who said them, could alter the course of his life forever! Because it wasn't just the sincerity in my husband's eyes when he said them but the arms that were stretched out for this person that wiped his slate clean too!

"My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty. There is NOTHING my God can not do, for you!"

My God has told:
The dead to rise
The lame to walk
The blind to see
The deaf to hear
He has told mountains to move
He has breathed this whole world into existence! 

He can change the life and heart of someone who has become very of this world and start changing lives through him as well. 

I believe in miracles, do you? 

Don't give up on the one God has on your heart to come to him! Your single bit of love, forgiveness, mercy, and grace could be just that bit of watering onto seeds they kept trying to get out of their garden that finally start to take root! 

I claim it now... God WILL rock this person's world and change their heart! God WILL do the same for the person you are praying for and chasing after today too! 

Don't give up on them and don't allow the hurt they may have caused you to stop you from pursuing them in person, in prayer, in anticipation of the glory awaiting them. Your sin was the same color in God's eyes are theirs and God didn't give up on you. )

(if you are wanting to see the Skit Guy's video I referred to above Click Here)

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