Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hurt People Hurt People...

Now there is a phrase that not only have I felt but was recently told again. It isn't much of a new phrase to me because I remember a great sermon a couple years back where that was said, and at the time it was such revelation in the context it was shared. Recently though it's that gentle reminder to not take the hurt personally and to reflect that maybe it's not you but the person doing the hurting that is hurting you because they hurt.

Whoa right?

Yeah, I though so too.

Have you ever really stopped to think about that?
I mean really dissect that?

Maybe the ones who are hurting you are only doing so as a defense mechanism because they are hurt and want you to hurt too. What's the saying... "Misery loves company?" Maybe the affliction they are directing at you has nothing to do with you at all. It only becomes about you when you take that hurt personally, pick it up and carry it, and turn it into something it wasn't meant to be.

Hello, conflict.

Conflict that was never intended to exist, but now what?

You know, I've shared this topic before (most recently back in Feb.)... This message of "Hurt People Hurt People", but recent events in my life keep bringing these words to my heart. There have been hurtful moments yes, but the length of that hurt has been milliseconds compared to the past. The whisper of "it's not about you" comes in and I receive that gentle reminder that I am not to take this personally. That I am not to pick up this load that I am not meant to carry.

With all that is going on in the world today... even your own little bubble today... maybe you too need to hear that whisper... Hurt People Hurt People. Stop and think "is this a battle I am to take part in, or is this one that I am to just read/hear, close my eyes and pray for their hurt, and show them the grace of God?"

Now on the same token of course there are many battles that we are to arm ourselves in God's armor and fight the battle, but we need to make sure we are arming up for the ones God intended us to march in and not just conforming to the world and fighting anything and everything that comes our way... or newsfeed.

Are you hurt today or fighting in a battle you weren't intended to? Ask yourself today... Are you supposed to be?

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