Friday, January 29, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Quiet

Today's prompt... Quiet.

And Go...

What a great prompt as I sit here quiet! All you can hear the click of the keyboard and the small sounds of the house. I sit and pray and have my God time each morning in the quiet and there is something so special about the stillness of the morning. Those moments before the "crazy kicks in."

I love it!

There are mornings that I dare to push back the wake up time of the kids for that quiet to remain. That grasp for just a "few more minutes Daddy! Do I really need to wake them up yet?"

Today though I won't. We are babysitting and I am praying over my husband's heart as he heads to work and then to a Men's Conf. at church where it will be anything but quiet with that room full of guys. However, I am praying for his quiet moments. For the quiet moments of when what is spoken into his life begins to resound and move him. To move them all. For them all to feel the closeness of God that they hear God's whisper as a shout.

There is something so incredible about the quiet. How the whisper of anything can seem loud. It's beautiful and alarming all at the same time. The quiet... it's essential I think for all of us.

There is so much life that happens in the quiet stillness of it all don't you think? Refreshing and scary all at the same time but life just the same.

I pray the quiet renews you today. Refreshes your soul and God's whisper you have been leaning in for sounds like a shout.


I'm linking up with all the lovely girls at Five Minute Friday where we are all writing for 5 unscripted minutes on a single word each week. Would you join us?


Rachel Quigley said...

I love those moments in the quiet. It begins the day in a peaceful way before the crazy begins! Have a blessed day with those kiddos! :) (Your neighbor at FMF) Happy Friday to you! said...

It is true that so much happens in the quiet. Thanks for the reminder.