Friday, February 20, 2015

Five Minute Friday: Open

Wow, how long has it been since I took part in a Five Minute Friday post?!?! That disheartening to think about huh?

Well, no better time to start back up then the present. Hahaha! Thank goodness today is Friday. ;)

Alright... This week's word...





Right now when I think of OPEN I think of transparency.

I think how I should really share that math is kicking my tail lately. And my kids' tails.

Not that they can't get it or understand but for my 2nd grade it's the dreaded borrowing from the hundreds place and just the mere fact he freaks himself out when seeing a list of problems to answer. He jumps around/gets antsy and completely loses it, on some occasions, just to answer one of his own... (aka without mom looking at the paper while he writes... not saying anything; just watching.)

Then there is my 6th grader who is so stinking quick and smart in math is crazy.... BUT.... she is her own worst enemy and could very easily throw her entire year away by moving too quickly "just to be done" and in turn missing life saving steps along the way. The little mistakes and big ones along the way that she picks up the second I say, "Wrong. What did you do wrong?" and then she answers it correctly with an "UGH! This...." tells me she knows how to work the problems, that isn't her issue... she is her own issue. Her speed is her issue. 

How do you work that through? Oi. I'll tell you how the next week will go... painful pencil to paper full problem worked out in detail is how... I'm hoping it'll fix the problem. She's dreaded the slower pace it will require. I'm hoping she'll see each step is needed and in the end it'll be her friend when she speeds up again.

These are the times I fall at God's feet and beg how to help them see that they already know it if they just did the problem how he taught them to. The times that I struggle as a mom is when I see them being their own worst enemies. 

That's what I think about when I think of OPEN... Sharing my current struggles in teaching and how to show these wonderfully smart kiddos they have this if they just thought through each step without rushing or freaking themselves out. OPEN would tell you that without holding back... no matter how scary saying it out loud really is.


You forget how quickly time goes with that...

Want to join in? I'd love to read yours! 

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