Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The whole truth & nothing but the truth?

I've been replaying a lot in my head lately and this morning God struck me with something I was taught last year. First, it was from my then women's group teachings and then by my mentor while processing a situation with her. Then God brought it up to me while I was trying to process through a change last summer. This morning he hit it to me again.

"When asking for godly counsel in your life are you forming the bits of details in such a way that you are leading them to answer in the manner you are looking for the answers OR are you giving all the full details in full disclosure no matter how the advice falls? Even if it means disappointment and not the path you were desperately hoping for?"

Does that even make sense?
It does in my head from the countless conversations and prayers of not wanting to present anything in a way to sway the conversation "my way" vs "God's way."
I hope it was clear.

Back when I was leading a women's study table he asked me to be on guard to be able to discern when problems were being presented to me on if the information was being presented in a swaying fashion.

Then last summer he asked me to be aware that I am not presenting information in a swaying manner.

This morning he asked me to again be on guard for possible swaying information. He asked me to seek discernment when receiving information and even more discernment in responding.

It sounds so much easier said than done I assure you. You think there are times you are being mindful and yet the screeching red lights flash and tell you to hold on to what you speak and hear and compute. I don't also stop, drop, and pray every time. I need to, and with God's little reminder this morning I felt he is warning to me be extra on guard and more mindful of what I am hearing coming in and what I am sending out.

I only want to his voice in moments where others may seek counsel, even when it's uncomfortable... but his voice always. This verse came to mind and I think I will be taping this up where I will see it easily to remember to seek discernment in every situation and conversation. Keeping his will and heart at the forefront when hearing and speaking in daily life.

What verses, if any, or ways does God share with you to be on guard in your conversations whether hearing or speaking? I'd love to hear.

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