Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Renewed Strength Continues

Here I am... a blank screen and flashing cursor meet again.

God is really working on me lately. Through the Bible Studies I am doing. Through the ending of the semester activities I've been apart of at church. Through the new faces and relationships God is bringing into my family's life. The strength that comes from him alone is so uplifting.

Renewed confidence in the road we have felt him lead our family in all areas. Family life, Finances, Church... you name it. The resounding "you are doing exactly as I desire for you" even though it feels we are always explaining ourselves is refreshing.

The last week and a half since starting the studies and waking up early to do them... what a difference it has made. I physically feel lighter. If that even makes sense.



No fear or doubt.

We are doing exactly what we are supposed to be doing.

We are doing life with people God has placed in our lives for a reason and for this season. He is moving through us and he is only getting started. He is transforming us... He is transforming others. As, we draw near to the end of all the spring activities, small groups, and so forth I am amped for what is ahead in the days to come.

Our homeschool has felt so disconnected this year and while we are about to finish our year with A's and a B it doesn't feel the same as years past. I feel such a calm for next year though as we add another full time sibling into the mix. He is going to use our homeschool in a way he has never done before and I can't wait!

Same goes for all the leadership and opportunity God has shown us and entrusted us with at church in the last couple months. We are taking on a role and stepping out of our comfort zone like no other. When he said "When you move you will jump in." He wasn't kidding. While I know he is using us and our story to give hope in the lives of people we meet truthfully I feel they are changing us.

I long to feel more and more confident everyday in all that the Lord is doing and leading with. I don't fear what is ahead and I know, no matter what, he is providing and preparing our hearts for more than we could ever imagine. He is near. He is moving. He is God and the fact he has chosen us, this time, these studies, and the people in our lives for his glory is amazing.

Just had to share how awesome he is!

"Let us hold UNSWERVINGLY to the hope we profess, for he who promised IS faithful." Hebrews 10:23 

1 comment:

Janet Rose said...

What an encouraging post to read from you my friend! You are an encouragement! Hugs from GA!