If you are on Twitter at all and follow any handful of women you have probably seen the hashtags #hellomornings and #goodmorninggirls. I know I have. I have known about Good Morning Girls and had even printed off a study once, but sadly never got very far. I have to admit though Hello Mornings I knew nothing about.
I thought secret society I wish I had the "in" on. Shameful but true.
So yesterday I felt I needed to search it out. What is this Hello Mornings all about anyway? To my pleasant surprised it's a Bible study (which I had gathered via tweets), but what excited me was that a new session was starting... THAT day!! There was still time to join. I bookmarked it and said I'll come back to see what all the details are and register.
Satan really didn't want me to join... well, I have news for him... HAHAHA God won! It took all day and it wasn't until the kids were in bed that I did it, but I registered and that was all that mattered! I fought the urge of wanting to go back to sleep this morning after my husband left for work.
(Buying great new pillows doesn't help that urge by the way.)
And I went through 3 (2 via Hello Mornings and Proverbs 31 via Good Morning Girls) studies this morning. It felt FANTASTIC!!!
Just God, My Bible, The studies, coffee, and the glow of my computer screen.
I did Day 1 and 2 of all the studies today, as I missed doing Day 1 yesterday morning. It was great. I feel so refreshed and ready to tackle the day. My priorities in sync with God's and it's going to be a great day.
I love how it plays into the pulling on my heart that the Lord has been doing lately. So much seeing and listening he wants me to do. Gratefulness and thankfulness to be had. He has been pulling on my heart to get back into Snapshot and a Scripture as well.
The sight he brought my eyes through his creation and the Scripture he brought me to each week is one I reflect on all the time. I miss it. The fact I feel less inspired here is one reason I feel he is saying get back to it so hard. He wants me to see his beauty here too. To seek his Word for his words for the pictures again. So I'm going to be linking back up with Scripture and A Snapshot. I also though will be linking up with Brooke's One Beautiful Thing. With seeing the beauty and blessing God has been hitting me hard to count them as well. I have picked up the One Thousand Gifts book who knows how many times and I own it! But I haven't read it. Sad I know. I WILL READ IT SOON THOUGH!! :( I have felt huge tugs though to count. So that is exactly what I am going to do.
I am going to be more mindful of all the good and small everyday around me. All God is saying and leading to. All he is in control of and stop fretting over the details of how, when, or any other "me in control" word you can think of.
I will be inspired here.
I will walk closer to God daily.
He will be how I start my day and end my day. Everything in between. I will rest and have peace he has control over our finances and future. Satan does not have a hold and will no longer win out here. God wrote out all these days before any came to be. I will be better at seeking and hearing him daily.
Starting my day with him. Satan will say "Oh man she's up!"
So my first gift...
#1 : God himself and his heart to want me so badly.
God is working over here. In my heart, my family, my husband... everything. We feel him and sense his presence. It's stronger than it's ever been and we are so amped to see what he is working on. Seeking him daily and starting my day. I look forward to this journey God has me on and all he is going to reveal to me. Today in Day 1 and 2 of Good Morning Girls study of Proverbs 31 God laid on my heart to LISTEN and be VIGILANT to all around me.
I resolve to do just that!!!
Has God been pulling on your heartstrings about anything lately? I'd love it if you shared or joined the journey with me!

lovely! thanks for the link
So glad that you are 'doing' and not just 'hearing' His words.
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