Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feeling blessed (randomness)

Where do you begin when it's been so long? 

It's dreay outside with a high in the 40's and promised mid 70's this weekend. What can I say? Welcome to Texas. 

Yesterday was our first day back for a new semester at co-op. I'll be honest, as a homeschooling parent you likes order (as much as possible) and a free day made into our schedule co-op can be bittersweet. I mentally didn't feel ready after our crazy break, but the kids were elated to be starting back up. Of course it pushes "my plans" for the week back a day every week, but then again they aren't really my plans are they? 

The smiles and pride they have with each class only lifted my mood and joy for the oppurtunity to be apart of this amazing co-op and the people, who after only one semester, feel truly close. Genuine "glad to see you again"'s and hugs from the students who were so elated to see their friends and be back. 

Pure joy. 

Of course this morning will be back at home full swing kind of day with packing for a student conference thrown in for good measure. Never ending movements and prayerfully by the grace of God a productive learning day with a cherishing moment of each lesson taught and learned. May be a snuggle in the living room learning kind of day. Yea, that sounds fun. 

It's still quiet with only the hum of the fridge right now, but hopefully the sleepy eyes and morning snuggles as they try to wake will soon grace these walls. I'm feeling extra blessed this morning with all God has laid on my heart, His everlasting provisions, all He has entrusted upon us, and for another morning to sing of His praises. Not every morning or school day starts off like this...

but oh the joy of when it does....

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