Monday, August 18, 2014

Why, hello old friend.

Who am I kidding?

I can't stay away.

It's such an outlet for me.

It's a release for me.

And this year marks 10 years.

10 years in blogging.

Crazy, huh!?

I wish I still had my first blog. Oh the headers I made when I wanted to personalize it. My now 11 year old a little over a year grew up on there. I still "talk"' to some original blogger friends via Facebook. Some blogs still exist and I still don't say much in the comments but love to see how they are growing and God is blessing their lives.

Blogging gave this stay at home mom a voice and a door to the outdoor world from the inside of her home walls. Blogging has given me a place to share, be inspired, be encouraged, and the beautiful sense of not being alone. It was never about making it big or an income, and it's still not but I just can't shake the "I need to get back to blogging" that keeps nagging at me.

I am not sure what it will look like or how often. I do know that I want to share a hodge podge of this and that that is our lives. So much life has taken place and so much learning about myself as well. I can't wait to see where God is going to take this but he is definitely leading me back to this little corner of the blogosphere he's given me.

I'm excited too because I missed this little space and all who God brought into my life through it. I thought about starting from scratch and taking everything down. I have a ton of remodeling to do but God wants the words to stay put. Just to add to them. So here is my starting from scratch just leaving all in it's place and starting to post again.

Oh it feels so good to be "home."

1 comment:

BARBIE said...

Excited you are blogging again!