Friday, August 22, 2014

Hello, My Name Is...

I have been told this would be a good place to start back at. However, I won't lie, I stink about writing about myself in this capacity. Badly. So please forgive me ahead of time.

I went back to my "About Me" page and saw that is me... with a couple of year changes (longer now) So I'll copy and paste that part with the updates... ;) With an updated picture as well... ;)

 Hi, I'm LyndsD and this is my Scripted Heart.

Why Scripted Heart?

Back in 2009, when I felt God calling me to start this blog, the song "Unwritten" was pretty popular. You know the one... where the artist tells the listener that we write out our own stories. That our future is "unwritten." It hit me, that isn't true. Our stories have been written since before the start of time. Every twist and turn we have taken was etched into God's script of our lives. Our lives... living proof of his inked words.

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When I first started this blog I felt God was just wanting me to share our marriage story. You can read about our marriage story here but over the years though, for me, it's become so much more than that. It's become a place where I can live out God's story through my life transparently. I try to be as transparent as possible. It's become a huge outlet for me.

I share the lessons God is teaching me, as repetitive as they may be. I am human after all so multiple lessons on the same topic seem to be a theme for me. I share our journey as a called homeschooling family. It's a tough road but I am constantly reminded why God called us to this season of life and I am grateful. I share about just life and hopefully hit points in between. I want to express God's hand in all that is us. We try hard to walk, trust, and seek the Lord's will in all that we do. We aren't always successful but that is the glory of our Father. I stumble daily and yet his mercies are new everyday for me. I am so grateful. I pray you meet Jesus and feel his presence as you are on this blog.

Statistics about me?

I am a daughter of a King, wife to my best friend for 10 years, and mother of 3 amazing God loving children. One daughter and two bouncing boys. We had our daughter at the age of 21, and we married 9 months later, at 22 years old. Yes, We did things a little backwards. Through these years of marriage I have had the privilege of watching my husband grow into an incredible man of God. I have been blessed beyond measure.

*I became a believer at age 5. Attended a private Christian school from 1st -7th grade. My 8th grade year I was homeschooled and high school I graduated a year early from a public high school. I joke I'm well rounded.

*I didn't really understand a relationship with Christ until life hit rock bottom in 2007/2008. Changed my life!

*I love to hold a camera and capture all God sets in front of me. I secretly would love to do more with that but I am realizing I may not be called to.

*I love homeschooling our 3 wonderful kiddos for the last 7 years, and can not wait for many more years.

*I love trying to make as many homemade items as possible, but sadly it never lasts long. Only in spurts.

*I love to read but never for as long as I would like.

*I am hopelessly in love with coffee, hoodies, and football season.

*I love rocking out to Christian music, Country, classical, old Disney movie tunes with the kids, classic musical movie tunes, and some good ole Frank Sinatra and Louie Armstrong. My iPod selections are all over the place. 

*I love Fall, anything outdoors, our Family Campout Movie Nights, good hard laughs, and friends and family.

*I started blogging in 2004. Crazy!?

*Almost 3 years ago we made another across country (to our second state away from family) move on a leap of faith that God revealed himself in by the truckloads. Still amazes me each day! (6th total move since getting married)

the lists could go on and on...

We have made countless moves, mistakes, have grown through some crazy hills and valleys in our lives, and know that we still have so many joys and lessons of the Lord ahead of us in this, my script. The special one God inked out for me. I hope you enjoy reading along God's words with me.


To add to that though God has brought me on an amazing journey I'm fearful I will always struggle with... my weight. Last summer God blessed me with an amazing opportunity to lose weight by watching what I eat and counting my macros. It was amazing and truly all from him. I lost 45 lbs in that journey. I actually started to love myself again and see myself as God sees me.

Since then though life has been nuts for the last 4 months and I have gained 10 of those pounds back. I can not shake them for the life of me and it's killing me. I can feel myself on days that I beat myself up the most reverting to the, "well, I've blown today anyway who cares..." mentality and it is the most disheartening feeling. All I wanted to do was bring God glory through all he gave me and I feel like I let myself slip during the craziness the last 4 months brought and now I'm stuck. I want to get back to where I was, but feel lost at times, if I can be honest. I know I was equipped once I can do it again. Just have to buckle down and do it. 35lbs down is still good and an accomplishment I know. I just don't feel good in my body again.

I'll get back there and more I can feel it. Just have to get my head straight.


So with that it's about that time to get the kiddos up and moving after I get a little workout in. This weekend is calling our name for some away time before more craziness comes our way.

I pray your weekend is blessed and bountiful!


Amber said...

I think this was a perfect place to start. So glad your writing again!! I have missed it! Love you!! (Now start packing!!)

Janet Rose said...

Perfect new beginning!!! I have so much I want to say in response to all I have read here...we are kindred spirits in many ways. I do want to say, though, that I have been on my own weight loss journey. You can do it! I may have some ideas to spur you on and will email you about them. You can read about my journey here until then...

Dionna said...

Welcome back. I'm struggling with losing a bit of weight too. I gained 15lbs that I'm having a hard time shaking. But I will keep persevering. You too!