Friday, January 10, 2014

Five Minute Friday: See

I am linking up with Lisa-Jo and many other bloggers as we write unedited for 5 minutes. Want to join in? Click here.


This week I began to SEE what this year has in store for me. Everywhere I turn someone is SOO excited for 2014 and JUST feels that something is coming.

I don't.

There isn't anything I am anticipating and it's hard for me because it's the first year I'm not yearning for what's next. Don't get me wrong I am looking for what my next step God wants me to take is but I'm not holding on for an answer to a specific request. All we were seeking for in 2013 was answered and we are settling into this new normal that we have once again.

But then a friend brought HUGE revelation to me. That's just it... My anticipation... siting still. Sitting at God's feet like Mary. I have been and at many times still am like Martha. Running here and there always trying to get it all done. Seeking this and that, but this year we don't feel like we are to move an inch. I am to sit. That is what I get to look forward to. I get to JUST anticipate for the first time in forever the opportunity of having roots somewhere and SEEing all God has to pour into. I get to SEE and seek him and just listen to his soft voice.

Our church's 21 day fast starts this weekend and I'm thankful to the friend that said,"Don't you SEE, Lynds, this is your anticipation to look forward to for 2014; This is your season to just sit still and SEE and hear all God has to say to you as you enter this new phase of life to just be." It'll be the perfect time to try out this new revelation I have been given.

I now I can say I am finally sitting in excited anticipation to SEE exactly what that looks like. A slower family time? SEEing all the gifts big and little God has given us even more? SEEing each moment with my kids and soaking them up deeply?

I can't wait!




Unknown said...

This post just fills my heart with joy. I can't see myself in it right now, but I think my time to see is coming soon. A new season is about to dawn. And reading this gives me new hope!

Unknown said...

Ack! I lost my first comment! But, what I wanted you to know is that this post is really hopeful and I think applies to many of us...if we could just recognize it. Even I couldn't see myself in your post at first, but now I think perhaps I should. Because He wants me to anticipate and have my hands open to whatever He brings.