Sloppy, crazy, upside down mess.
That literally describes the last 4 weeks. I don't even know where to begin on why things are so upside down. Can I scream I want to reverse the hands of time 7 months and just still be back home? No move, no life upside down... just no.
I am not even sure where to begin. Although I can say staring at this blog post area is comforting. I need to figure out how to do this more often. Possibly just from my phone. It's just so hard to sit here at my desktop. Back to the world it feels. Ugh. Old fashioned pen to paper seems to have been what my heart has reached for lately. Both as comforting I have found.
Anyway... The last 4 weeks have been insane to say the least! While parts of it were amazing all in all its been nuts! Emotions... crazy time frames... messes... ugh the list really goes on and on.
What I thought was going to be a simple summer... so far... has been the farthest thing from it. Let's see...
- Life with one car and activities during the day = horrible time schedules and a sleep deprived family
- Bug... Bed bugs more specifically. I just want to scream!!! That topic is a blog post in and of itself.
- Did I mention busy!?
- Softball Camp... Check
- VBS... Check
- One night in a hotel & Adventures in Odyssey Birthday Bash with friends... Check
- One road trip and first speeding ticket in forever... check
- Packing up my entire apartment... again... so the apartment complex can clean their bug problem... In the middle of.
- Tons of thoughts of figuring out budget, homeschooling, photography, and graphic design work
- Crazy work things taking place as the company has completed the merger and are now choosing employees to keep for the new company.
- Jumping into apprentice leadership roles with church
- End of season softball party... they won 3rd place in their division.
- Rearranging bedrooms
- Fully potty trained our 2 yr old... yay no more pull ups! EVER AGAIN!!
I truthfully don't understand our life right now. The season we are in is confusing and sometimes... truthfully... defeating.
I am thankful for friends that are there to be strong for me when I am weak. I am thankful God is there for me.
I wish I could formulate all that is on my heart. All God is mentioning to do with our lives. This blog... yes, I realize that sounds funny but I feel so much more for this than what it has become. It's sad to my heart.
I don't understand the turmoil that is going on. This season is one we were not expecting. I need to find the inspiration with where we live now, but truthfully my heart is having a really hard time with it.
It saddens me too that during all of the crazy camp weeks and then coming home to bugs I have stopped my Bible studies all together too. Satan won that battle. I need to get back on top so God wins again.
I need to get going so I can get my day started. Lots on the to-do list and desire to do list. Must start making some headway.
I promise no long breaks again and a total blog makeover coming soon.
Miss you all... Here are some pics of all we have been up to lately

That about sums it up... I have a TON more I could post that I love but this is all I have time for right now. I promise to be back soon.
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