Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Little of This... Lots of That... Total Random Rambling...

Have you ever just wanted to write. Write about anything or nothing. I am in that mood right now. I just want to ramble I guess. I'm sitting here at 6:56am listening to my middle child chomp on dry cheerios because he is the only one awake and is just hanging out watching TV. I successfully did not go back to bed this morning after my husband left for work. Yay, at least 2 days so far this week I haven't gone back to bed. I'll take whatever progress I can. We are halfway through week 2 of our new normal and so far so good still. I am still not used to my husband being home at the same time every night. Although it still takes him an hour to get home everyday it's still an hour earlier than before. I'll take what I can get. So far this week we have successfully completed both days of school. So super excited about this! Especially since we had so much time off before our move. We also switched up our History (as I mentioned in the post below.) I still need to write that all out. What we are doing now that is. We even included an hour long phone with my oldest and one of her dearest friends back home. Get this where they talked about their Science curriculum they each are doing right now. I love homeschooling!!! Have I mentioned that before? We are 2500+ miles away doing the same curriculum (don't mind the fact we are behind them right now due to us not doing school for a month due to our move but who cares about that right!?) and they can talk (and now Skype together) as review with each other about what they are learning in their same class!! AH-MAZING! It makes the miles seem shorter that is for sure! We have scheduled 2x a week Science Skype calls for the girlies! It's going to be so awesome and such a great way of review for them too! I can't wait till they Skype on Friday for the first time!! It's the little things really that make me excited! Speaking of excited... I'm excited things are starting to get settled in here and our new apartment is starting to feel like home. It's so nice and the space... oh the space!! I wish I could say there were lots around here to help make our new state feel like home, but I have to honest losing so many features from our library system is hitting hard. It was such a second hand resource for us! It's really hurting not having all we had available. It's going to take a ton of adjusting. Even for the kids. I'm hoping it doesn't make them lose some of their love for the library, but I definitely see it slipping since it's nothing like they are used to. Ugh, and the even their printing policy. Really hits the wallet!! Must but a printer... ASAP! :( We still have not found our new home church. We have tried out 2 churches so far in our 2 Sunday's here and so far neither have been the right fit. We are checking out a different one this coming Sunday and are super excited and hopeful. God knows which one is to be "ours". We are excited to see if this is it. :) We have starting trying out Google Chrome as a browser for the kids to have some games to play with per a recommendation of our friend. So far I like it. Do you use it? What do you love or dislike about it? Any favorite "apps"? I really need to organize our computer. Photos to print (that is something I don't do nearly enough, but we are hoping to change that!), files, accessibility, and trying to use it to the best of it's ablity. So many features... so much we never use. I would like that to change. Told you this was going to be random. I need to get better at my meal plan. Speaking of I need to look up all the ingredients for tonight's dinner and get that started soon. What are you having? I am thinking of making something chicken in the crockpot, some homemade dinner rolls (we LOVE these!), and parmesan asparagus. Gotta love Pinterest on the inspiration for dinner! I should really be like everyone else and make a weekly post or so of what I have tried or want to try from Pinterest. Lots of yummy food and terrific DIY's! Does anyone else wish Pinterest had a I've done this option? I guess I could create a board that says just that, but I guess a quick checkbox would be nice too. heehee. Oh guess what I made yesterday!!?? I'm so amped about this! I made our own laundry detergent!!!! I have already done 4 loads with it and we are really liking it so far! We absolutely want to stockpile on Fels-Naptha bar soap so we can make lots at a time. I only made one batch yesterday. We have so much powder left over to make so many more batches! It really is more cost effective!! So awesome!!

Well, the rest of the kiddos are waking their sleepy eyes so I guess I should go get my crockpot dinner started and get them some breakfast. Hoping to stay on top of accomplishment today!

Have a great Wednesday!! Thanks for reading my absolutely-no-sense-making-all-over-the-place-ramble.

1 comment:

Dionna said...

I love reading your rambles! How's the weather?

How are the prices and traffic in Texas? You'll find your church-fit - just takes time. Visit at least a few more churchs (community or non-denom are good to try too). :)