Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Where Have I Been?

Truthfully just floating around in my own head. Soaking up all the pure joy that has seemed to surround my family lately. I have such peace lately I feel like I am floating. It's been great. Nothing super special has been going on. We are still burning both ends of our rope but are starting to feel the wall for one end is coming and God is preparing our hearts for whatever is HIS will is going to reveal to us.

We started school this week and so far so good. We had a sad unexpected call yesterday morning that derailed part of our school time for a while, but we still finished by 1pm for the second day in a row. We happily ended the day by having a picnic with some families from the co-op we will be attending this year. Today school didn't happen like the first 2 days. My boys had well checks in the morning and frankly it just threw off the whole rest of the day. There is some catching up to do for tomorrow but spirits are light and we are enjoying our curriculum so far. Totally awesome!

I so wish I shared my family's pictures with you all on here because I took some really cute first day of school pictures of my two students this year. They absolutely melt my heart and frankly I really wish they would stop growing up so fast. God has really blessed me though with these little cuties.

I have been staying off Twitter lately and I miss it so. :( I am trying though to be diligent this year to not get sidetracked during school time, and believe it doesn't take much to get me to turn my head. So I have devised a plan to not go straight to the computer for every need or minute of quiet to avoid derailing the whole rest of the day. I really miss everyone on there and their inspiration and support. I hope I can find the balance somehow but for now I'll just be keeping up with my new plan (I'll share with pics later) and blogging when I can. Although this week is only Wednesday it's been busy.

Next week?

Even busier.

We are taking a week long vacation and hope to bring our large 27" monitor with us so we can stay online during down times. We are helping remodel a house. Totally amped for the trip. It'll be great! My husband's last vacation time for the rest of the year. Can you believe it is September... SEPTEMBER... already tomorrow!!??? Seriously where has this year gone!?

Have I mentioned how incredibly joyous I feel lately!? Gosh I wish I knew what it was... I do I take that back... It's God and his peace and let me tell you what it is the best stinkin' medicine there is! Yee Haw do I feel great these days.

The joys he has brought our way lately. The amazingly awesome opportunity that he has dropped my lap last Sunday. The clothes even that he blessed us with in an overwhelmingly amazing way yesterday.

Just God period.

He is working in our lives right now in ways that are only HIM.

God is in control and honestly whatever he is preparing for us right now we are more than ok with whatever the direction leads us. It's going to be amazing!!!

1 comment:

Dionna said...

Can't wait to hear about this awesome opportunity God dropped in your lap and so glad some clothes were bestowed upon you guys. You have such a sweet family - it's nice to hear some hope and joy in your thoughts and reflections.