Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Someday... Maybe...

{Disclaimer: This is really raw first impression emotion upon reading wonderful news of a fellow blogger. I apologize for the pity party.}

I am trying hard right now to not feel super jealous. It's really a petty jealous if I am honest. A blogger I have followed for years just announced a new change her family was going through. I can't help but feel very excited for them yet very jealous. Longing almost for a similar change for us.

For my family.

For years I have felt human because I "knew" someone else whose husband had to work his retail schedule around activities and stress of late crazy hours while being a family man. Constant working on the weekends and never home for dinner. "Knowing" someone else who faces the same thing helped make me feel normal. Does that make sense?

I know that we are not the only ones that go through retail schedules, but still I felt normal knowing that they too had to deal with it.

Now her husband is leaving retail... lucky!!

Leaving retail for a new adventure of some kind, but in doing this he gets weekends off! He gets to be home for dinner every night! Oh my gosh how I want that so bad. Oh how I think my husband does too. Retail though is all that we have known, but as the kids are getting older it really is getting harder and harder to work with. The hours. The non weekends off. The kids miss him. I miss him. He misses us.

I am really happy for this family but sadly sad for my own. I am not trying to have a pity party here. I am very grateful for my husband's job and all that it provides for us. I know there are sacrifices we all have to make to be where we are all at today. I just can't help but humanly long a welcomed change like that in our family. The more time together would be so awesome. So welcomed. So desired.

Someday... Maybe.


Anonymous said...

Oh LyndsD! Bless your heart! There is nothing wrong about wanting the best for your family.
I can honestly say that I feel you.
My husband and I will be celebrating our 19th wedding anniversary this upcoming May. To which unless it falls on a Sunday, we will spend apart, like most every other anniversary that we've had - due to work schedule. For the entire 18 years, he's worked 2nd and 3rd shifts. I've felt like a single parent raising my kids until we began homeschooling and they had a couple hours with their dad each day.
I long for him to be put on day shift where he can be with us at night, I long to snuggle up and sleep near him, I feel so lonely and scared at night at I can understand where you are coming from. Praying for you.

Amber said...

I am praying for you Lynds! I know, I FEEL, that God has something amazing for your family! It's coming my dear friend I know it is. Stay strong and trust in Him! He knows what your heart needs and He will provide. I am here for you and I love you SO much!!!