Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal {Take 1}

Yesterday Sue @ The Homeschool Chick started a way for her to write about her week in homeschooling. Her format was beautiful and she has been kind enough to create this cute little button here and open it up as a link up. I love this oh so much! I have been wanting to share about our homeschool week but have lacked the creativity on how to share it without it being long and boring. So if you would please join me as I journal our week down to share the triumph or tears... as well as a beautiful record to look back upon for myself and my family.

The Homeschool Chick

In my life this week...

This week was busy for us. It was the first week that my daughter would now be taking two dance classes during the week. That being said, and us only having one vehicle, the kids and I had to take my husband to work one of those days. It just so happened to be a night he was closing. That means we have to go pick him up at 10pm {with school and a dance class the next day}. All things considered I think we survived pretty well, and we are actually elated she is able to dance in both classes. This also means come spring she will have 3 dances to perform at the spring recital.

My husband and I also worked on our weekly dare from Love Dare day by day. This week was to pick a project around the house and work on it together from start to finish. We choose a couple things, but one thing we have completed was to order updated pictures for a new collage frame he bought, and other frames we have. We rearranged the frames and ordered the pictures. Oh it looks fantastic! It's times like these I wished I shared pictures of us and our home on here. I think you guys would love it too. There is a nice new feel in the house with new pictures around.

In our homeschool this week... 

We have accomplished all of our core work this week. Yay! I am still trying to find the balance with all the kids to accomplish History and Science without her just reading the textbooks herself and doing the work. There is something about that, that just makes me feel like she is teaching herself. Does that make sense? While she seems to retain it a lot more when she reads it herself vs being read to I just don't feel comfortable just assigning the reading and the journal work and "walking away". I need to find the balance so it stops being pushed off "till tomorrow".

Does anyone else have this problem? No? Just me?

Places we're going & people we're seeing... 

We have no trips planned as of right now. This too seems to be an area I am lacking the follow through on. We have gone on one field trip so far this year. How sad is that? The kids have no complained but I have! I must research what might be going on around us and would go with what we are learning. We must do a trip soon!

My favorite thing this week was... 

Math this week! Yep math. We are still working on multiplication {which she flies through the 0's, 1's, 2's, 3's, 5's, & 10's} after only a few short weeks doing it. It has just clicked with her, but we also started back up with fractions as well. She totally remembers {after a little review} what we did in fractions last year and is flying through them as well. Friday we were also working on money. Like you have $0.38 how many of each coin do you need/have to make the less amount of coins in your pocket to equal this amount. After the set of problems was done she literally said "ugh there are no more on the paper." :( I love love love moments like this in our day! It makes it so much more fun when she is having fun doing her work.

What's working/not working for us...

A timer for each section for math!! We do it game show style and she gets so amped to try to beat her time and try to get less wrong each time. Easy to do when she is averaging only 2 wrong on an entire paper! She loves it... that means I love it!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

How how how can I get Science and History in everyday... every other day... every week with a 3 year and a rambunctious 18 month. I feel I am gipping my daughter on the subjects we love the most! I am looking into maybe implementing a daily schedule it just gets hard on days daddy has off. We have been treating them as our Saturday and Sunday. Since he is here to be with us. I want to do do these subjects justice.

A photo to share... 

This is my daughter working on the money section I mentioned above. Not only was she writing out the subtraction of each coin she was using she also asked to use our "play" money to visually see what coins she was using. She had so much fun and didn't miss a beat with it.

All in all our week was fantastic! All finished up with brand new custom made desks by grandpa... special delivered today! To say the kids are excited would be an understatement! It'll be nice to do school at our new desks on Monday!! The kids already have all their little cubbies and shelves filled with all of their school stuff. They loved putting all of their things into their desks. It was like Christmas in here this morning!

How was your homeschool week? I'd love to know!

Be sure to link up over here to join in to The Homeschool Mother's Journal

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Hi! Stopping by from Mothers Homeschool Journal. Absolutely LOVED your post - and yes! I can totally relate to what you were saying about delegating then walking away with your oldest...I am currently struggling with that too. Blessings!