Friday, December 3, 2010

DPP - Day 3

I have been thinking lately about how much I have been blessed. Blessed really beyond words.

No we don't own a house.

No we don't own lots of {what some would call} essential bits of furniture or decor.

But we have each other.

We have God.

We have love.

We have 3 of the most amazingly wonderful healthy children.

What else do you need?

They light up our lives like no ones business and they seriously {other than our relationship with the LORD} are the single best things we have ever done in our lives!

I am reminded today how truly blessed I am to have them in my life.

{and the fact I got all 3 of them to stand still long enough to snap this... priceless!}

December Photo Project


Hen Jen said...

indeed priceless!

{LyndsD} said...

:) Thanks Jen

Hope said...

What a sweet picture! I find that a lot of times I have to change my mindset and take the focus off of myself. When I do, I can so clearly see the blessings in my life!