Yesterday afternoon the kiddos were asking for something to watch on Netflix (since we have no TV/cable Netflix is big in our house). As I was going through family movies I came across "Where The Red Fern Grows". I loved this book as a child and the movie as well. I was happy to see they had the original available on watch instantly so I turned that on.
The kids loved it!
Barring that I have seen the movie a dozen times and read the book who knows how many I wasn't prepared for what Hubby called, when I told him,... A sucker punch to the gut kind of moment from the movie.
Here is a clip. The part that sucker punched to the gut is just the first 2:31 mins of this 9 min clip below. You don't have to watch it all if you don't want to.
If you seen the movie you know what is going on Billy wants his own coon dogs and his grandpa is giving the best advise he'll ever get. Advise that I can not shake out of my head even 24 hours later...
I honestly can not tell you how much the clip below rings true for us. Billy saying he isn't sure God wants him to have any dogs... Grandpa's response. It's like it's been taken out of our hears and put in front of our eyes. (just change the topic of dogs to being a topic of a house and/or a job that pays more)
Meet God halfway... Nothing you ask for is going to just fall into your lap. You have to meet God halfway. You have to do the work and he will help give you the heart, courage, and determination to do the work to reach your final goal. His goal for you.
So now that leaves me wondering...What is the work we need to do in order to meet God halfway?? Is that for Hubby to start looking for another job in order to make more money so we can afford a house/life here? Is it just to get out and look at houses again and see what God lays before us? Or maybe is it a little of both and they will in turn go hand and hand?
I'm not sure yet but I do know that we need to meet God halfway. Hubby has admitted to half expecting things to just fall in front of us. The answer to be given with little effort since he wasn't sure what way we are supposed to go. I have mentioned in the past I have felt like we needed to be doing something. I wasn't sure what just something. Last night Hubby said he understood what I meant now and agrees we need to be taking steps in order to meet God halfway.
So now the prayer is what steps... what action... what direction is he wanting us to take in order to get to the halfway point???
We are praying and we will see what he says. We are taking steps. We have faith. We are just praying for peace and confidence in the steps we are taking, and that if we are headed in the wrong direction that God will close the window we tried stepping through and will open the door to the right path instead.
Here's to seeing what he is planning...
It was random chance that I found this blog and I would just like to share with you a truth that I have found in my life.
It is right that we must strive towards the proper works and do our best to put everything into the situations in which we've been placed. And to give anything less than our all would be wrong.
We strive for even halfway, but the truth is that we cant even get that far on our own.
The beauty of God's mercy is this; As soon as we realize that even halfway is too far for us on our own, God shows up and carries us through.
This is the most marvelous and hardest lesson, that God delights in our weaknesses when He gets to woo us with His strength :)
Andrew, I am so glad you stumbled upon my blog tonight. You are absolutely dead on!!! I am so thankful that in our weakness he is strong. 2 Cor. 12:9 is one of my most favorite verses! I am so thankful for your words tonight. Thank you SO much for sharing!! May God Bless You immensely! God is so good!
Oh and Andrew I went and looked at your blog. The two posts you have published were fabulous! I would really love to read your blog if you decide to start posting again. Please let me know. Have a terrific night. God Bless.
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