I was recently asked if I would like the pleasure of reviewing a couple of unit studies from Download N Go. Let me start out by telling you I think they are AMAZING!! I knew only a little about them when I was asked if I would like to review a couple unit studies. I was wonderfully surprised at all the information, colorful clipart, and activities for the students that were within these pages.
The study comes as a PDF file of about 89 pages or so. You can obviously choose whether you would like to print them all or only print the papers needed for your student to fill out for their lapbook. I decided to print them based simply on the fact I like tangible papers to read off of. For the future though I will definitely keep the reading parts on the computer and just print the student pages for the mere reason of paper and ink costs. My daughter and I thoroughly enjoyed all the videos Download N Go supplied with the materials.
They offer a full list of additional books that you may get to go along with the unit study you are doing. It was wonderful and I was very pleased to find that my local library had practically every single book on the list!! The layout of the lessons were wonderful as well. Easy to follow along with and fun to do as well. My daughter (a 1st grader) could read the directions or questions on each page with ease and loved all of the lapbook components. The whole study intently held her interest with ease.
Each unit study supplies you with key vocabulary words pertaining to that certain lesson. A great feature in my opinion since we taught using the dictionary this year. You also do not need to guess on what goes inside your lapbook because they tell you within each daily lesson what to put in there. Of course you may add whatever else you would like as well. I think the layout they chose is a wonderful study tool for the student, as well as a keepsake for showing other family members all that they have learned in school that week. Each unit study is 5 days long and jammed packed with wonderful journeys, valuable information, and exciting activities that will keep you and your student (or family members) yearning for more and more on the topics you are discussing.
This was our first time ever doing a lapbook and we absolutely loved it, and if you saying "Well I have never done a lapbook. I am not sure how." No problem! They have wonderful simple instructions listed at the beginning of each study. Along with some helpful videos but honestly there is no wrong way to go about it. By the end of the first study my daughter was asking "Can we do another one please, please, please!?" It was awesome to see her joy and excitement as it came time to do them everyday. I highly recommend Download N Go for stand alone studies, supplemental studies, summer activities, or even just for fun! They are truly amazing and wonderfully priced!! $7.95 for an individual study!!
Here are some pictures of my daughter's Whale Tales Lapbook

During this Blog Tour of Download N Go is offering a coupon code available for 20% off multiple packs. Use the code DNG20PKS at checkout for that discount.So if have ever wanted to check them out for yourself or even just hearing about them for the first time head on over and get 20% off their multi-pack studies. You will be so happy that you did!
You can head on over and enter their giveaway for a chance to win...
- The entire FALL curriculum lineup of Download N Go™ (Wow! That’s 19 studies!).
- A $25 gift certificate to Baskin-Robbins (yummy ice cream).
- A $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com (for those back-to-school supplies).
- A $15 gift certificate to Starbucks Coffee (a special treat just for the teacher).
- A full year’s subscription to The Old Schoolhouse® Magazine (encouragement and resources all year long).
- A “sweet” blue and brown Homeschooling With Heart tote bag (THE must-have accessory for FALL!).
- Sweepstakes Starts
- May 24, 2010 @ 01:00 am (PDT)
- Sweepstakes Ends
- June 12, 2010 @ 11:59 pm (PDT)

So come click over HERE to be entered into this fantastic SWEET PRIZE PACKAGE!!
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