Friday, January 27, 2017

What if God doesn't change it?

How would you feel if God doesn't change your situation?

We are heading into 16 months of a season we thought for sure God was going to change only a few months in.

But He didn't.

As I've mentioned before we've knocked on countless doors in multiple directions just to check where it is God wanted us to turn. Staying put has been the resounding answer.

We've had dark closet, behind closed doors, screaming crying moments. We've had I'm angry "what the heck!?" kind of moments. We've had falling to our knees face down praising kind of moments too. The rollercoaster of it all has been like no other, but the constant was and has always been God. Knowing He sees us and has a purpose for this all.

Our deepest desire was and is to know without a shadow of a doubt that we are within His Will. Not our own. We could've very easily up and left and made something happen or make a mountain move, but we haven't had the desire to do that. Sure we've wanted things to change but not unless God wanted.

To be seeking His Will has been the single source of oxygen throughout the day.

Through it all though we've hit a major point. One point we know that if God wasn't at the center of all of this we'd be in a horrible place right now. The old us would've not ridden this out like we have been. At all. God has a plan for us, this we know, but what if THIS is it.

This season.

This spot.

This is His plan.

Nothing else.

Would you be okay with that?

We would.

We have accepted it.

Many people don't understand that though. They don't understand how something "unfair" could be it, but God didn't say it had to be fair. He only asked that we be Him to those around us in every.single.situation He puts us in.

Things are tight yes, but they could be sooooo much worse. What if God doesn't have another plan than the one we are walking out right now? What if God's entire plan was for us to be a witness to someone at my husband's work? An encouragement not only to our faith but a light for God's provision no matter what to those around us?

Whatever God's reasoning I'm okay with that because God is a good God and He sees us, and He says the needs we have are met to the level He says we need. There isn't a penny more than what He says is needed. Who are we to say we need more provision?

Would you be okay if God didn't change your season? Would you see that what He's given you is enough?

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