Friday, March 4, 2016

When life has you upside down

Ever get so busy in life you don't know what end is up? Or you are on a rollercoaster and you aren't sure where the end of the ride is; let alone how it will look when you get there?

That's exactly how the last 6 months has felt. 6 months ago life as we had come to know it flipped upside down again. The longer in limbo we sit the longer it feels more difficult.

Don't get me wrong there have been some up parts but they have been forced and added in to an already crowded calendar, but it felt like the only want to make life seem like it used to be. Small moments like a quick road trip, or ones coming up. Life has been so nuts that on the days we used to research things like, Dr. Seuss's birthday, we just "collapse" on the couch and ignore the laundry pile and try not to sleep at 7pm.

As a homeschooling mom it kills me that we aren't doing more crafts or exploring. It feels like we are just surviving. Oh the parts of homeschooling you don't always hear. What!? You mean to tell me homeschooling doesn't always have that major project being built or nature walk that takes place everyday? Nope. It doesn't. There are days where if you only read the material and check it off and you feel accomplished.

Plain and simple.

The long and the short of it is I miss when we could explore or dive in to a topic and blow the lesson plan. It's been too long. My soul longs for the freedom feeling in that. I know my kids miss it too but it doesn't seem to fit the time available lately. Crazy since we have one car again, but such is life huh?

There doesn't seem to much time for anything lately. Running here and there, or having this or that to do after school and Daddy getting home. Busyness = not enough time to grocery shop, or cook at home, or the simple things. Add in starting a business and you might as well have had a full sports schedule. The kids aren't even playing this season and I still feel like that is no time.

I know," come on Lynds you aren't the only one..." and I agree but right now it feels so daunting and I am beyond excited for Spring Break. More for the "break" even though we have no where to go and thanks to the funky break schedules here we don't have a single week (of the 2 available) where everything we do is off at the same time. Yippee... please note the sarcasm. haha! I wish we could go somewhere or for Daddy to have a little time off. I wish we could do something for the kids just to break up the norm, but I'm reminded in my whining that they are healthy, and have a house of their own and a yard of their own. We will make it fun on a budget here.

I'm also reminded to go back in my photos, as little as there are lately, and look at see what we have been blessed to do in the busyness.  Do you ever do that? Does it help change your perspective on things?

So, though it's been crazy. Though I have no idea what God is doing right now, and though we don't have vacations planned or anything else we still have been blessed in the craziness. It's been 6 months of seeking. It's been 6 months of bonding together and trying to hear the whisper. 6 months. Has it really been that long already?

In the 6 months we have celebrated birthday's and an anniversary. We celebrated holiday's and the start of a new semester of co-op. We have seen some amazing events, and even made it to a national monument. I stepped out on faith of a calling God has been whispering for me to do for the last 10 years. We are about to celebrate our oldest officially hitting teenage years. We have celebrated that we still have a job, are still free to worship, and though errands run short we still have food on the table. We are still able to teach our children at home, even when somedays you question how much is being retained. We hit a milestone where it is official... all 3 children are good readers. That means it's official... I have taught, from start to finish, all 3 of our children how to read. It's so crazy to think about when laid out like that.

Guess maybe I really do know which end is up and that when I reach the end of this rollercoaster it's going to look amazing!

Now, if only could get caught up with everything. Heck at this stage I'd just take feeling caught up. Ha!

On the upside it's refreshing to know this is coming...

1 comment:

Janet Rose said...

It has been too long since I have visited with you here...deep breath, sister. Just be held by the One who created you and knows you best! ♥♥♥