Saturday, November 29, 2014

Oh the moments

Oh hello my little corner of the world.

How have you been old friend?
So many laughs and tears have gone by since I have sat and chatted with you. Our cups of coffee's in our hands and joy in our hearts. We used to sit and chat for hours about this and that. Each giving way to the other as we share the moments of our days. Long gone it feels are the days where time and crafts were had and shared.  Slow moments of watching wobbly legs and pudding faces. Now face us with mom taxi days and full blown running it feels.

This month though I am hoping to pledge slower paces. Smiling faces. Lots of pictures and catching up on the smaller moments in life that truly matter. While memories have been made the joy of smaller moments seems to fleeting.

I miss those days.

I am loving these days.

It's incredibly bittersweet.

This time of year though..., oh the memories. The slowness. The "awe" moments that it brings. I can't wait. I can't wait to see all that comes.

So here is to more "moments"... whatever they may hold.... moments. To sit and enjoy the coffee and the company of an old friend.

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