Thursday, June 2, 2011

A dear friend needs blessed

My husband wants a new job. This is nothing new. We have been blessed with friends outside and inside the church helping us with this venture. However, it's a friend of ours that really needs a solid job more than us. It's times like this that yet again stop you and make you look around and say "do I really need a new job?"

This friend, who is so unsure of his own future, is still setting up appointments with my husband to work with him on his resume to get ready to apply to new potential jobs.

The Body of Christ never ceases to amaze me!!

So today my cry... my prayer... isn't for me/for us, but for my friend. For Christ to bless him with the job he is leading him towards on this roller coaster of an adventure he has taken on lately. My friend is diligent and praying for the wheat to grow. He has been tilling his crops and planting the seeds. He has not given up and is holding strong in his faith and knows the Lord WILL provide for him and his family. At the same time he is selflessly seeking to help direct others to where God may be leading them and I pray that along the way we can help direct him in return.

He is inspiring. Heartwarming and is on fire for the Lord. Amazing testimony and trust.

I too know the Lord is faithful, but we are not in dire need of a new job. So I pray my friend is blessed with one above all else. One that is above and beyond the cry of his heart and needs right now. I pray the Lord "drops the world" and holds my friend. Helps my friend feel his peace through all of this.

The Lord is faithful. He will provide.

So if you think about it as your are reading along or remember these words sometime throughout your day could you please send a prayer up for the Lord to shine a light onto the right job for my friend. There is power in numbers with prayer. My friend and his family could really use it.

Thank you.

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