Saturday, May 14, 2011

To The Brighter Side

Have you ever yearned for something. Licked your lips for the anticipation and spent countless hours researching and researching the unknown? Ya, me either.

Ha who am I kidding. If you have been reading here long you know that I have done just that and then some. Raked over the numbers. Made all the excuses 2 ways from Sunday for all of the Pro's and Con's of this and that. Always resulting in a slamming door, in one way or another, for the final total answer. Pounding fists and heads into the wall and feeling completely hopeless always seem to follow suit.

Not the happiest of places to be.

However in the span of a short couple days my dear father in law, unbeknown to him, changed my thinking and yearning back to reality. Back out of the worldly way of thinking. With a simple comparison to someone who had it fair worse off, and to someone that always seemed so bent to prove they were better and now... well let's just say I am trying to love like Christ but couldn't help but snicker at the news.

*Forgive me Lord but it was really hard not to.*

We are blessed.

We have a lot.

Maybe not a lot by worldly standards, but as my father in law told me... "It may be a small place to live but your home is definitely filled with love." 

WHOA.... stop the presses!! Ding ding ding... the words you have been yearning for were just spoken. Did you hear them?!

Let's repeat...

"Your home is definitely filled with love."

What else do we need? We have love.

"But the greatest of these is.... LOVE" {1 Corinthians 13:13}

So who cares about if or when a new job comes about. Who cares about the place we live and if we will ever move out of it. Who cares if you keep seeing God bless others with these things... Look at all he has already blessed you with. It's more than we could ever have asked for.

I'll toast to yet another resolution to look at the brighter side of life. Ha a resolution that seems to keep "resoluting" (is that even a word?! heehee it is now!) it self around here huh? It's ok to be honest... I know.

Because really at the end of the day... LOVE lives here... Who cares about anything else.


Dionna said...

Oh yes. Something to remind us what we really prioritize.. Now just to keep that perspective... :)

{LyndsD} said...

Exactly!!! I so badly want to keep that perspective everyday. I am really praying HARD to keep it!!