Saturday, April 30, 2011

Beauty in the Cleaning.

Today while deep cleaning my kitchen I couldn't help but think about how I need to be doing this to my soul.

Disinfect it.

Wipe it clean.

I have been so wrapped up in the here and now. Making sure everything is ok... Taking steps towards something even though we haven't seen any path in any direction. In the hustle and bustle of it all I think I have lost sight of the beauty of the ordinary. The process and the cleaning.

Through my cleaning I came across a devotional I won last year. One I had the best of intentions of starting and never did. It too got lost in the hustle and bustle. Moved from this pile to another. I am praying to keep it on top of the pile and start soulfully working out. I want to be physically working out and too and watching my calories and all. Which truthfully was going great for a few days before this weeks bizarre tummy bug that invaded my home.

Ok sorry about that side road tangent... but honestly I need to be more diligent in my walk. In my talk. In my life.

I need that same approach to our homeschool life as well. This year I have been so busy pushing worksheets and the core subjects that sadly History and Science have gone to the wayside. Just like my daily life with God. Diapers, 3 square meals a day, and life seem to be what I have said my core subjects are. Granted we have finished some of our subjects this week and will complete 2 more next week for the year I can't help but think I have jipped us of some laughter and fun along the way. The same way I feel I have missed that with God lately along the way as well.

I need to remember that there is a time and place for everything and that God doesn't call the equipped. He equips those who he calls.

He has called us to homeschool. We can do this completely.

He has called us to figure out our future. He will show the way in which he wants us to go.

He has called us to be parents. We can survive the rough days.

He hears our cries and knows the desires of our hearts and how they match up to HIS desires for us. He is calling for even more cleaning. I have got the soap to disinfect all that I have been doing and thinking and rest in peace knowing God is in control.

"Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you I pray. In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation."
Psalm 5:1-2

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