Friday, July 23, 2010

Touched to tears

Today a dear friend from years and years that I have recently reconnected with posted a powerful verse on Facebook today. After I clicked "Like" I received an email saying that her husband (another great friend of mine) texted her this verse today saying he was specifically thinking about me when that verse popped into his head today.

It scares me as to why God would send that to me. Of course I could think of a couple reasons as to why, but it scares me because of some of the reasons. What if they prove to have some truth? What tailspin or events could evolve from that? I humanly want to cry. I am fearful yet I know God is in control and has changed those around me. Changed in a way that I would hope and believe same situations would not repeat themselves.

I can only pray and lean on God to reveal as to why this verse came up. It could be none of the above and only a soft still reminder for me... To remind me to not let anything tear apart. But why... why now???

I know no matter what God will lead and take care of everything. It just scares me to what could be awaiting around the corner.


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